11th meeting in Bihac

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11th meeting in Bihac

Category : News (public)

Meeting agenda:


Attendance list:

Attendance list DBBT Bihać

Minutes of the meeting with supporting documents:

docxMinutes-of-Project-Meeting-Bihać – ENG

Minutes of PMC meeting:

docxMinutes-of-PMC-Bihac ENG

Minutes of SC meeting:

docxMinutes of Steering Committe meeting in Bihac

Presentations on project progress:

Progress report [HTPSZ]

Progress report [UPKM]

Progress report [SINGI]

Progress report [UNBI]

Progress report [UNIBL]

Progress report [VISER]

Reports of WP leaders on deliverables completion:

WP1 leader

WP2 leader

WP3 & WP4 leader

WP5 leader

WP7 leader

WP8 leader