Execution of project activities

Reference Responsible partner Title Type Status Date of delivery
WP 1 – PREPARATION: Analysis, consulting and training
1.1. UL Analysis of EU master study programmes in the field of DBBT Report completed 01.07.2016
1.2. Analysis of WB master study programmes in the field of ICT Report completed 01.06.2016
1.3. Comparative analysis of study programmes in the fields of DBBT from EU and ICT from WB Report completed 01.08.2016
1.4. Study Visits to EU partner HEIs Events, Reports completed 15.10.2017
1.5. Consulting with the partners from the business MoMs/Reports completed 05.11.2016
1.6. Teachers training Events, Reports completed 17.10.2017
WP 2 – PREPARATION: Preparation of Infrastructure
2.1 & 2.2 UPKM Purchase of hardware/software equipments Reports, Inventary Book completed 16.03.2019
2.3. Purchase of literature Reports completed 16.03.2019
2.4. Training the staff for use of equipment Events, Reports completed 01.04.2019.
2.5. Set up of DBBT laboratory Events, Reports completed 01.04.2019.
2.6. Design of teaching materials teaching mat. completed 11.04.2019
2.7. Methodological instructions for teaching Report completed 17.11.2017
2.8. Methodological instructions for students’ practice Report completed 17.11.2017
WP 3 – DEVELOPMENT: Creation of new curriculum for academic master studies in DBBT
3.1. VSBTUO Defining the principles and model for academic master studies in the field of DBBT Report completed 01.08.2016
3.2. Defining the teachers’ competencies and learning outcomes of courses for academic master studies in the field of DBBT Report completed 27.02.2017
3.3. Design of new curriculum for academic master studies in the field of DBBT Reports completed 30.03.2017
3.4. Printing the book of curriculum for academic master studies in the field of DBBT Book of curriculum completed 15.07.2018
WP 4 – DEVELOPMENT: Creation of new curriculum for vocational master studies in DBBT
4.1. VSBTUO Defining the principles and model for vocational master studies in the field of DBBT Report completed 09.11.2016
4.2. Defining the teachers’ competencies and learning outcomes of courses for vocational master studies in the field of DBBT Report completed 27.02.2017
4.3. Design of new curriculum for vocational master studies in the field of DBBT Reports completed 30.03.2017
4.4. Printing the book of curriculum for vocational master studies in the field of DBBT Book of curriculum completed 19.07.2018
WP 5 – DEVELOPMENT: Implementation of master academic and vocational  studies curricula
5.1. UNIBL Enrollment of students to academic master studies Reports completed 15.03.2019.
5.2. Enrollment of students to vocational master studies Reports completed 15.03.2019.
5.3. Implementation of academic and vocational master study programmes Events, Reports completed 14.04.2019.
5.4. Monitoring the first generation of students on new study programmes Reports completed 15.03.2019
5.5. Analysis of the students’ feedback Reports completed 15.03.2019.
5.6. Students’ practice with business partners Events, Reports completed 15.03.2019.
5.7. Lectures by experts from business Events, Reports completed 15.03.2019
WP 6 – QUALITY PLAN: Quality management and control
6.1. HTPSZ Regular Quality Board meetings Events, MoM completed 18.03.2019
6.2. all partners Development of the Quality Control plan QC Plan completed 01.10.2016
6.3. HTPSZ External financial control Report completed 14.06.2019
6.4. Internal evaluation of the project Reports completed 14.04.2017
7.1. all partners Promotion on internal meetings in partner institutions Report completed 19.03.2019
7.2. all partners Promotion on Website & social networks site completed 14.04.2019
7.3. UNIBI Production of promotional material Reports completed 15.10.2018
7.4. Promotion in WB HEIs Reports completed 20.04.2018
WP 8 – DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION: Exploitation of results
8.1. VISER Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes Accreditation completed 25.03.2018
8.2. & 8.3 WB partners Creation of academic and financial sustainability plan AS & FS Plan completed 28.09.2017
8.4. VISER Signing the long-term cooperation agreements between HEIs and all relevant stakeholders Signed protocols completed 13.06.2018
8.5. Ensuring the support of the relevant government bodies Reports completed 25.03.2019
WP 9 – MANAGEMENT: Project management
9.1. UPKM Regular Steering Committee meetings Events, MoMs completed 18.03.2019
9.2. Regular Project Management Committee meetings Events, MoMs completed 05.04.2019
9.3. all partners Development of guidelines on the project management and reporting Guedlines completed 01.05.2016
9.4. all partners Day-to-Day coordination activities mails completed 14.06.2019
9.5. UPKM Producing the project Interim Report Interim Report completed 14.04.2017
9.6. Producing the project Final Report Final Report completed 15.06.2019